
Showing posts from August, 2012

Relish: moments of therapy

            I missed my gardening therapy this summer.  For the first time in many years my back lot went gardenless; mostly due to the heat, but also because my life suddenly took a turn toward busy as I began researching museum archives and the memories of locals in order to write a history book.             Wouldn’t you know then, that this is the year I ran out of my stored jars of dill pickles and sweet pickle relish?  That left me begging area gardeners for cucumbers, small for the dill pickles and large for the relish, plus bell peppers and onions.  My dill volunteers itself each year, so I had plenty of that.             Luckily, one of the best gardeners in our area, a woman named Cindy, fed my veggie desire.             Normally when I grow my...