Garden Tomatoes: Summer and winter
The greatest fruits of summer come from the tomato vines growing in my garden. The greatest fruits of winter come from the tomato vines that grew in my garden the previous summer. This I remind myself as a sea of red begins to cover the top of the counter in my washroom. I have been eating my fill everyday: sliced tomatoes drizzled with pesto; salad greens spotted with tomato chucks; grilled tomato slices; tomato and mayo sandwiches; tomato, bacon and basil sandwiches; tomato and cucumber salad with vinaigrette. You name a tomato dish and I’ve eaten it with the exception of the “Tomato Tart” recipe that my friend Rose sent me, which I plan to try very soon. Still the pile grows, but that’s okay because the fruits covering that counter soon fill jars in the cupboard and small containers in the freezer; storage for the coming winter months. Why both? I prefer canned tomatoes for most recipes, but there comes a time when I just grow tired of canning, n...